Personally I drink water all day long. Besides coffee(and even that is made from water) its the only thing I drink. I drink it for many reasons. It makes my thirst go away, it's refreshing, cleans out waste, doesn't make me feel bloated, helps with my skin, my digestion, and many more. I do not add those packets to give my water flavor because just about every one of them has aspartame. THAT STUFF IS HORRIBLE, avoid it at all cost. If you are wondering what I would suggest as a healthy flavor add in I would say fresh fruit. Cut it up freeze it and use it as ice in your water and it give great taste. Even with bottled water. Cut the pieces small enough to fit in the top. Another option would be lemon or lime juice.
Here is a silly picture of some of the benefits of water.
These aren't all the benefits of water for your body but they give you a good idea of why you should drink more. I will add links at the bottom to a site that goes much further into detail about the benefits of water.
Links to read more about benefits of water to the human body:
I like all three of these links. They are very informative about this subject, so read and drink up!
More to come,
Stay Fabulous!
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