Today's is not a crazy leg workout like I do sometimes but it was a good one. I liked it.
1 min. plank
25 jumping jacks
25 high knees
30 alternating lunges
repeat 3xs
1min plank
30 sec. mountain climbers
30 alternating donkey kicks
30 alternating fire hydrants
repeat 3xs
1 min. plank
25 pile squats (pic below)
15 jump squats
10 burpees
repeat 3xs
If you noticed I started with a 1 min. plank each time. I do that because once I start repeating it gives me a little break. Makes me feel like I'm cheating when I'm not. I should probably start upping my minutes when it comes to planks because 1 min. is very easy for me. I think I will increase that number from now on.
With any workout that I do or suggest know that any and all of it can be adjusted to you and your body. Listen to your body and do what is best for you. If this is just way too easy add some weights (I probably should have I just wasn't in the mood to workout but knew I had to). If it is too hard for you take breaks or lower the amount of reps. I hope you at least try this little workout and most of all I hope you enjoyed it!!!
OK so the images to the left are showing you how to do a proper pile squat. Hand placement optional, I put mine on my hips or I touch the ground with my fingers to make sure I get good and low with them. In image (a) you are in standing position with toes pointed out and a little wider than shoulder width apart. In image (b) you are squatting down into position.
Make sure your butt is back, chest is up, and knees are not crossing over your toes. That last check point about your knees is extremely important!!
You will feel the pull in your inner thighs. If you don't then recheck your position. Toes pointed out, butt back (not like a regular squat where you pretend you are sitting in a chair), chest up and knees over ankles.
Once you are in position (b) go back to (a) and continue doing that until you are finished with your reps! These are one of my favorite exercises. Hopefully this workout got you warmed up and helped you forget how cold it is outside right now!!!
More to come,
Stay Fabulous!
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