Monday, January 20, 2014

Stick to love.

Too many people criticize and judge more than they should. Rarely do people take the time anymore to make sure what they are doing or saying is out of love. Love is a powerful thing, more powerful than some people realize. Self love, love for others, love of the job, love for your country, love for God, and so many other forms of love shape our lives and we don't even recognize it as love most of the time. 

Often times when we get hurt from a result of love we shut ourselves off from the idea. Loving someone or having someone love us becomes scary. Sometimes we even stop loving ourselves because we feel such rejection. I know from personal experience I'm very stand offish(when it comes to love) and don't put myself in situations where "love can happen". I have that hand stretched so far out that no one can get close enough to love(hurt) me again. Maybe one day someone will come into my life and hold that stretched out hand until I fell safe enough to put it down but until then the hand is out. Just because I was hurt by someone I thought loved me as much as I loved them doesn't mean my love for myself ever changed. I found this quote about self love “Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself. Never doubt who you are.”  - Stephanie Lahart.  I think that is such a true statement and everyone should live by it. No matter what happens or who hurts you be your own cheerleader and own motivator and always believe and love yourself enough to keep going. Once you have that self love you can conquer the world! Nothing will stand in your way and down the road when you are healed from the "pain of love" you will give it another try. It doesn't have to be from relationship with a husband/wife or girlfriend/boyfriend, it could have been a friend or family member. Could be someone at school always trying to tear you down and make you not feel loved.  Just remember the person that hurt you with love is probably suffering from not feeling love as well. 

Seeing  this post was all about love I figure I'll give you a workout to get rid of those love handle!
30 sec. Russian twist
30 sec. mountain climbers
Standing oblique side crunch (add weights if needed)-15 each side
Side plank dips- 12 each side
30 bicycles
30 sec jump planks
repeat 3x

More to come,
       Stay Fabulous!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Buddy System.

When we are in elementary school we are on a buddy system so we do not get lost in our daily activities and for safety reasons. (Not sure what safety another elementary student can provide if something happens but that's why the system is in place). Same should apply when working out. You should have someone that has the same passion and drive as you to help keep you motivated and keep your workouts fun. It also gives you someone to talk when it comes to fitness and nutrition. You can always tell the difference when talking to people who understand what you are talking about and the ones that are just hearing what you say. I like to surround myself with like minded people. I can talk about new fitness or nutritional information I have just learned about or simply give my input about something brought up. Makes me feel good and listened to. On the same note I really do enjoy talking with people that truly are interested in learning. So make sure you find a workout partner or buddy or even a personal trainer. Those are the people that will help you through this journey you are on. The never ending journey of living a healthy and fit life.

I work at a fitness and nutritional store in MI right now. It's crossfit and Paleo based but offers other fitness and nutritional needs. I love it because it keeps me surrounded with like minded people. I left there today feeling so happy. It really is a mood booster to keep yourself in the circle of your interest. Another way to do that is to join a group close to where you live. All you have to do is look up whatever interest you and you will find it! Don't wait start now, go find a group to join and see how your life changes.

Today I'm going to throw you a challenge. I'll do this from time to time so be on the look out.
Challenge: 100 burpees, 100 push ups. I don't care how you do them. you can break them up throughout the day or do them all at once (if you can do 100 all at once I will have mad respect).

More to come,
      Stay Fabulous!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stretch It Out

Stretching is very important. Most people either forget to or just don't want to. It's a must if you want to prevent injury. When you stretch out before your workout you are warming up the muscles and getting them ready for what you are about to do. Just like when you are cooking you are suppose to preheat the oven. Same thing, you need to preheat your body before exercise! It also increases flexibility, give your body a recharge, and relaxes the mind.

 Stretching after a workout is important as well. You want to get those muscles that are tight to loosen up. To perform properly you need to be well stretched. Another reason for after workout stretches is to elevate soreness. That good pain after your workout can get pretty intense at times and stretching will help. It may hurt so bad that you think it's doing more harm than good but I promise it is helping!! So make sure you are stretching and if you need some ideas for what stretches to do for certain body parts you can ask here or just type pre-workout  stretches in your search engine and it will bring them up for you! I have posted a few good stretches here so make sure to do them too.

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Pump Up the Protein!

I often have people ask me what other foods besides meats can give them protein. I will list many but not all. There are so many ways to get the nutrients that you need. You want to make sure to always have a balanced diet. You want to break it up into percentages. Example would be 50% Carbs, 35% Protein, 15% Fats. Now that's just an example, you can adjust those numbers to meet your nutritional needs. To figure out your exact protein needs take your weight_______ X 0.38 = _______g Protein Per Day.
(Example of percentages)

A lot of times people just think protein means the meat portion of their meal and that just isn't true. Using the example above they would think they needed to have 35% of their meal to be just meat. Not true. In this list you will see options other than meat that can get you to whatever percentage is needed for your protein needs. The items I jotted down before starting this post are just items I eat on a regular bases. There are many more options out there so please don't think it's limited to these items only. 


quinoa, avocados, broccoli, kale, spinach, nuts (pistachios, cashews, pecans, peanuts, almonds), nut butters (peanut, almond ), chickpeas some people refer to them as garbanzo beans, lentils, mushrooms, black berries, oatmeal, asparagus, brown rice, sprouts, chia seeds, peas, and coconuts.

That's a lot of options! Between meats and the list I just gave I'm sure you can do a lot with that! Many times I am told "I feel so restricted by eating healthy/clean" but I never truly understand when people say that. They are trying to use that as an excuse but that doesn't work with me. No matter what the excuse I can show you how you CAN do it or make it happen. I had one client that said "I'm going to stop telling you my struggles because you always come back with a way to get around it". I told that person I was glad to hear that because as long as they gave excuses I would give ways to make it happen. The phrase no excuses is really true. Excuses make me laugh honestly. I hope this list helps you and you are able to incorporate the right amount of protein in several different ways. 

More to come, 
      Stay Fabulous!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Never Ever EVER Give Up!

No matter what don't give up. You can change your goal never ever EVER give up. Once you give up you give up hope. There will always be people who try to bring you down but allow them to give you strength to do better. To prove them wrong. To show everyone you CAN do what you set out to do! Have hope and keep going. You may end up going down a different path once you get started but stay with it and always finish!

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Water Water Everywhere!

Personally I drink water all day long. Besides coffee(and even that is made from water) its the only thing I drink. I drink it for many reasons. It makes my thirst go away, it's refreshing, cleans out waste, doesn't make me feel bloated, helps with my skin, my digestion, and many more. I do not add those packets to give my water flavor because just about every one of them has aspartame. THAT STUFF IS HORRIBLE, avoid it at all cost. If you are wondering what I would suggest as a healthy flavor add in I would say fresh fruit. Cut it up freeze it and use it as ice in your water and it give great taste. Even with bottled water. Cut the pieces small enough to fit in the top. Another option would be lemon or lime juice.

 Here is a silly picture of some of the benefits of water. 

These aren't all the benefits of water for your body but they give you a good idea of why you should drink more. I will add links at the bottom to a site that goes much further into detail about the benefits of water.

Links to read more about benefits of water to the human body:

I like all three of these links. They are very informative about this subject, so read and drink up!

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Push your self!

Today was one of those days I just wasn't in the mood for a full hard core workout. I have a lot going on right now and it wouldn't have been a good workout. Yes, I know you are probably thinking any workout is better than no work and you are absolutely correct so this is what I did today.

Any time I had a few min to spare I did one of three things. I either did 25 push ups, 25 jumping jacks, or 10 burpees. I have done it all day long so I am not really sure how many I have done in total and that's ok. Workouts and fitness do not have to be strict and cookie cutter. Matter of fact you want it to changeable and different from time to time. That way you are giving your body muscle confusion which helps with not plateauing. It's always the worst feeling when you have been doing so well with your workouts and eating habits and then you stop noticing changes. That is because your body is getting use to your routine and it need a change here and there to give it a little kick start. So from time to time try to change things up a bit and see what happens
How to do push-ups!

How to do jumping jacks!
How to do burpees!

More to come,
      Stay Fabulous!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Keep your Monday In Motion!

Mondays can be such a drag. People are back at work and you are back to their grinding schedule. They can get so caught up with everything that they forget about themself. Here is one of my favorite exercises and it is great for Mondays when you "just don't feel like it". This is an exercise that works the whole body. I love it, it's great, and it makes you feel accomplished when finished. It can be a little challenging so I am posting pics at all different levels of fitness. This exercise is call knee tuck push ups or push ups with knee tuck. It is a whole body workout because you are in a plank position the entire time.

So start in plank position with arms fully extended, do a push up, tuck one knee in then back to plank, then the same with the next knee, and start all over again. Give it a try and see if you like them as much as I do (you may not at first and you may just develop a love/hate relationship with them, lol. Either way try it).
2)This option is the one I described above. She is
bringing her knee to her elbow but I bring it up
to my chest. It's up to you.  

1)This option is for beginners. If doing a tuck
with your foot off the ground is too hard
then tap your foot and bring it back.

4)If you are wanting to take it up a notch this will do it.
Find an elevated object. I often use my couch. Do the
same exercise just keep your feet on the object. 
3)This is the one I usually do the most.
When bringing her leg up she takes it
across her body. Really targets the obliques.
5) This is the mother of all push up knee tucks. Haha!
This one will require balance which will increase the
intensity of the exercise! I love this because
it's a challenge. Give it a try but don't get hurt.

So there you have it, 5 different options when doing this exercise. It doesn't show them doing a push up in every picture but you are suppose to. These pictures are many to show the different ways to do the tuck part of the exercise. If you are a beginner start with #1 and work your way to #5. It doesn't have to happen over night, so master one at a time and move on. If you want make it your Monday routine then start the first Monday of the month. Each Monday take the time to master one option of this exercise. The next month do the next step up. That's only 4 days out of the month and it will be a series of goals. Each month you have a goal of mastering the next level of this exercise and the duration of the long term goal is 5 months. Always have a goal, small and big goals, the world of fitness is never ending and full of challenges. As soon as you complete one goal there is always another to be met. 

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Get that body moving!!

   It's so easy to get comfortable in a routine that doesn't involve doing much of anything. It's easy to get home from work and sit down in front of the computer or t.v. and not move for hours. It's a double whammy if you have a desk job where you sit all day then come home and sit at home the rest of the night. Every day we need to try to do something! Running, jumping, playing with the kids outside, yoga, spin class, Zumba, boot camps, hiking, and the list goes on.

Both of these pics give many suggestions on fun things to do. If you have never done some of these please give them a try. Get out of that comfort zone and see what your missing! You never know it might be your new favorite thing!
 It's also easy to get that way in life. Where we do the same things over and over and don't take any risks. We are so afraid of change that we just don't do it. We are afraid to put ourselves out there and see what happens. We are worried about what people think or what they might say about us. None of that should matter but sadly it does. We are so concerned about having other people's approval that we don't allow ourselves to do something we might end up loving! We need to start focusing on us and what we want in life and what we want to accomplish no matter anyone says. Not care if people are looking at us, not care if they laugh, not care if they have smart remarks, or stare at us. We need to find ourselves and what we love and get out of our comfort zones. Never give up and never let anyone talk you out of anything. 

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Short on time? That's no excuse!

I don't always have time for a full workout. Like today I only had about 15 min to get my workout in. So I made the best of it. Made sure my heart was pumping and I got sweaty. I made sure to hit every body part so I wouldn't feel cheated.

Here's what I did:

60 sec. jumping jacks
60 sec. burpees
60 sec. bear crawls
60 sec jump squats
30 sec. right side plank dip
30 sec left side plank dip
repeat 2x 

Then for fun I did a 3 min. plank.

If you aren't sure what side plank dips are here is a pic to help out with that:

Start in a regular side plank position. Next lower your hip down to the ground but remember keep everything in proper form. Next you will lift your hip back up to starting position. Done. Now repeat until time is up. When people start getting tired they seem to start leaning forward, DON'T DO THAT!! Also make sure your shoulder stays over  your elbow to keep proper form. This exercise targets your obliques (love handles, muffin top, spare tire).

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!

Friday, January 10, 2014

TGIF.... Thank Goodness I'm Fit

   When we think of being fit we usually imagine a person that is really ripped and you can point out every muscle in their body. That just isn't the case. What people fail to realize is fit comes in many shapes and sizes. It takes time for it to happen and it takes patience. We think after one workout we should see results. It just doesn't work like that. It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change, 8 weeks for friends and family, and 12 weeks for the world to take notice. So many time we feel down and upset that we are doing these things but not getting the results fast enough. I am not the most patient person so when I first started on my fitness journey years ago I easily got frustrated but then realized I just have to keep going.
   Just like you have to put the right kind of gas in your car for it to work properly, you have to put the right kind of food in your body to make it work properly. Just like you have to keep putting gas in your car you have to keep putting in the effort of you want to change the way you are/appear. No matter what stage of your fitness journey you're at just remember you deserve this! YOU are amazing and YOU will continue this journey.
   One thing that helps me at times is having someone to workout with. That can be a little tricky. You want to make sure that your fitness partner is on the same page when it comes to goals. You don't want someone that is going to get there and then not do anything. You don't want to be those people that stand at the machines and just talk and not workout. Trust me, no one likes those people. So make sure they are really wanting to workout and help you stay on track. I have a few people I can call when I need a little encouragement and company while I workout. It makes for a fun time, especially if it's a day that you just aren't feeling your workout.

Here is a workout I did with a friend not too long ago, we really enjoyed it!
60 sec. jump rope
60 sec. burpees
60 sec. upright rows (15 lb weights for us)
60 sec. uneven push ups
60 sec. lat pull downs (don't remember the weight)
60 sec. bicep curls (15 lb weights for us)
60 sec. in and outs (some call them crunchy frog lol)-pic below
60 sec. bear crawls
60 sec. mountain climbers
60 sec. V ups

We did this circuit twice and took 15 sec breaks between each exercise. It was a good circuit that day!

This is a great picture to show you how to do this exercise. I call them in and outs. You basically put your body in the shape of a V then fold your legs to your chest and tap your feet. It's more difficult than it looks. Another favorite of mine! Give it a try and let me know how you like it! WARNING: you make tip over. Haha, just thought I would tell you before you gave it a try for the first time.

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Get in my belly

    Food, I love food. Which is a big deal for me. When I was younger I struggled with eating disorders. I had both anorexia and bulimia. I wouldn't eat and if I did I would throw it up. Looking back on it that was such a horrible thing but at the time it's all I knew to be right. The solution on how to fix the way I felt about myself. I got down to 89 lbs. and that is AWFUL!!! I have never been over weight but during that time I thought I was. The heaviest I have ever been (besides when I was pregnant, first pregnancy I was 118 lbs. second pregnancy I weighed 128 lbs.) was 122 lbs.and wearing a size 4. I am only 5'4" so to me I was huge. I am proud to say I now fluctuate between 107-111 lbs wearing a size 00-0. I can say that and be proud because I work hard for it and I do it the right way, the healthy way. I discovered my love of fitness, nutrition, and healthy living through my recovery. So, I guess in a way I'm thankful I went through that. Now I get to help people who struggle with the same insecurities that I once did.

    Now I'm a clean eater. That means I eat little to no processed foods. I make 95% of all my meals and snacks and do a lot of prepping. It sounds complicated and time consuming but it's not once you get the hang of it. At first I was very overwhelmed with it and it was complicated and time consuming. After 2-3 months it was much easier and I enjoyed it. I figured out a routine. My kids eat the same way, except when they go to the grandparents house, but they like the healthy meals and snacks. Now my favorite thing to do is come up with new and exciting recipes. My body thanks me for it. I know that sounds a little silly but I challenge you to go 2 weeks eating clean and see the difference in your body. They way it feels, the way you feel, your energy level, your attitude, your alertness, your immunity, and more. Now don't get me wrong I still like the way regular sugared up processed foods taste I just choose when to have them. I eat a cheat meal once a week. Not only does it give you that satisfaction of having what you can't have but it shocks the metabolism and gives it a little kick start again. See there is a method to the madness! If you were wondering my cheat is usually a huge piece of cheesecake. I can't help it!

    There is also a process to the way I eat. I eat every 2.5-3 hrs. Yes that is a lot of times to eat and yes it's a lot of food (in theory). However, it really isn't. I'm not eating huge meals every time. I more so snack all through out the day. I have a decent size breakfast of either oatmeal (real oatmeal not instant) with fruit and chia seeds or scrambled egg whites with turkey bacon. Every now and then I change it up. I'm not a huge breakfast person so I stick to the ones I know that are fast. Then I have my snacks in baggies or fresh fruit and most of the time all those are in my purse for easy access. I'm a busy working mom so most of my meals are on the go! Just because I am on the go doesn't mean I go through the drive thru of the fast food world.

    Here are a few tips on eating clean and often:

  • Only eat real food- example real potatoes not boxed potatoes
  • Prepare in advance - night before, days before, the week before
  • Don't skip meals - skipping meals makes your body think it's starving and it will store your fat
  • Keep it simple- buy tupperware that has several compartments so you meal goes in one thing
  • Read labels- you will be surprised at the hidden ingredients 
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water- enough is never enough
I hope this helps you get started on your journey of clean eating. I will post on it from time to time seeing it's my lifestyle. Below are a few pics of how I prep for the week!

To the left we have 14 almonds in each bag. 14 almonds equals 100 calories. So instead of buying those 100 calorie snacks you can make your own!
To the right we have prep meals. These were dinners and snacks when I had a night job. (Thank God that time has passed) Left side of the pic is my main course: Turkey burger pattie, spinach, asparagus, and brown rice. Top right baggies of fresh fruit and then 2 days I had a banana as a snack. Bottom right home made protein bars. Those are so good!

So your fridge will become an advertisement for tupperware and plastic baggies but that's a small price to pay for eating healthy! I have cut back on the plastic baggies, I didn't like the fact that I had to throw them away and they just stay in a landfill. So I bought small tupperware containers that I can use over and over.

More to come,
   Stay Fabulous!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Feel the burn!!

  The day I love/hate the most is the days that I put most of my focus on my legs. I don't really do certain body areas on certain days I pretty much do everything every time. When I work out I do a whole body workout but focus more on certain areas each time. However, leg workouts suck no matter what day you do them!
  Today's is not a crazy leg workout like I do sometimes but it was a good one. I liked it.

1 min. plank
25 jumping jacks
25 high knees
30 alternating lunges
repeat 3xs

1min plank
30 sec. mountain climbers
30 alternating donkey kicks
30 alternating fire hydrants
repeat 3xs

1 min. plank
                  25 pile squats (pic below)
15 jump squats
10 burpees
repeat 3xs

If you noticed I started with a 1 min. plank each time. I do that because once I start repeating it gives me a little break. Makes me feel like I'm cheating when I'm not. I should probably start upping my minutes when it comes to planks because 1 min. is very easy for me. I think I will increase that number from now on. 

With any workout that I do or suggest know that any and all of it can be adjusted to you and your body. Listen to your body and do what is best for you. If this is just way too easy add some weights (I probably should have I just wasn't in the mood to workout but knew I had to). If it is too hard for you take breaks or lower the amount of reps. I hope you at least try this little workout and most of all I hope you enjoyed it!!!

OK so the images to the left are showing you how to do a proper pile squat. Hand placement optional, I put mine on my hips or I touch the ground with my fingers to make sure I get good and low with them. In image (a) you are in standing position with toes pointed out and a little wider than shoulder width apart. In image (b) you are squatting down into position. 

Make sure your butt is back, chest is up, and knees are not crossing over your toes. That last check point about your knees is extremely important!! 

You will feel the pull in your inner thighs. If you don't then recheck your position. Toes pointed out, butt back (not like a regular squat where you pretend you are sitting in a chair), chest up and knees over ankles. 

Once you are in position (b) go back to (a) and continue doing that until you are finished with your reps! These are one of my favorite exercises. Hopefully this workout got you warmed up and helped you forget how cold it is outside right now!!!

More to come,
   Stay Fabulous!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Crazy Cold Weather? Let me help warm you up!

    Right now the kids and I are in MI. The weather is so cold. There is so much snow it's crazy! I am from GA so driving in snow isn't my thing. I'd rather stay at home and look at it from inside. However, you are required to shovel the driveways and side walks even if you aren't going anywhere so that gives you a little mini workout in itself. I'm not going to the gym due to the weather and the fact that the schools are closed so my kids are here with me so I need to work out at home. As you know from previous post I like home workouts too so I don't mind.

    Here is what I did today and I hope you try it out. It's a cardio blast and it will get your heart pumping I promise! It only takes about 15-20 min but you feel like you just did a hour.

30 sec. plank
30 sec. squat jumps
30 sec. burpees
30 sec. mountain climbers
30 sec. jumping jacks
30 sec. march in place
30 sec. wall taps
30 sec. alternating lunge jumps
30 sec. speed skaters
30 sec. plank

repeat 3 times with a 15 sec. at the end.

(You want to do as many as you can in those 30 seconds. Don't worry about counting just do it!)

Now if you need a break that's fine take it but make sure it's short. No longer than 10-15 sec and then continue with the next one. That list looks long but it really is only 5 min total. What I did was the whole routine and then took a break before I started again but it's totally up to you. Make sure you are listening to your body and if you truly need a break take a short one. Also try to push yourself because usually when you think you can't do anymore you can squeeze 2 more out!

It's a new year with new possibilities and I know a lot of people said that they were promising to workout and be healthier and it's day 6 so many people are already finding the excuse of the crazy weather to get out of their workout. I spoke to two who did that this morning. So, I thought I would post this to help keep you going with your goals in 2014. My goal was to stay dedicated to this blog and take to to places I never thought it could go and reach people I never thought it could reach! I want to help people and encourage them to stay strong and focused!! I hope to help so many people that I don't even know all the people affected. You have to go big or go home so that's what I'm doing with my dream!

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!