Tuesday, March 26, 2013

haters gonna hate!

No matter what you do someone WILL always have something to say about it. Bottom line: good or bad. It seems that these days everyone thinks that everyone cares about their opinion. I can’t recall the number of times  I hear "you need some meat on those bones" or "you're so skinny you're lucky". Well yes, I do have meat on bones. It’s called lean muscle and I work out 3 sometimes 4 days a week and I always eat clean. I work hard for my body and I am disciplined to do what is needed to have the body I want. There is no luck involved, just hard work and dedication! I still feel there is room for improvement with my body and soon I will be where I want with it, but until then, I keep grinding. People will also always have something to say about what I'm eating. If I were eating badly they would also have something to say about that too, lol! No matter what we will all have critics that will have something to say. It’s like you can't win for losing these days!

So what should you do about it? Absolutely NOTHING! Keep doing you! Keep up the good work and if you are in the middle of changing your lifestyle then you need to continue to do just that! Forget about what everyone has to say about it. Like I stated in an earlier post you deserve the best you and you cannot have that if you are pleasing everyone else. I know it is hard to shut all the negativity out but you will need to learn how to channel that into fuel and let it drive you, not stop you. Let the things you are being told you can't, allow you to KNOW  you canI I can say this because I used to allow other people’s comments control me. I would always say "I wanna do this but so and so said I wouldn't be good at it" or "I think I want to do that but I don't know how so and so would feel about me if I did that" DO YOU KNOW HOW EXHAUSTING THAT WAS!?!?!?!? I was hardly ever happy and when I was "happy" I was really just making sure that the people around me were happy and had nothing bad or negative to say about me. I was always stressed and anxious.
 In high school I was elected to be on homecoming court for my class. I was a freshman and SO EXCITED about it. (I was also asked to prom that same day. It was a very good day for me). However the other girls that wanted to be on homecoming court were not as excited. So, what do high school jealous girls do? They make that person's life hell. For further reference, watch the movie Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan if you are not familiar with high school drama. In high school I was called fat (I weighed 110lbs at 5'4), I was called ugly, I was called pasty, and anything else they thought would bring me down. (On Christmas Eve I got a phone call from one of the girls and she said "do you know what the best Christmas gift would be for me?" I said "no" she replied with "if someone came to school and threw acid in your face! Then NO ONE would like you". The only thing I could do was hang up the phone.) Well they succeeded and I went from 110lbs to 83 lbs in just a few months with the help of eating disorders. I had anorexia and bulimia. I wouldn't eat and if I did I would vomit shortly after. I would also take laxatives on the regular.... goodness looking back now I can't believe I allowed myself to go through that. I still have times where I feel guilty for eating certain things and there are trigger foods I just stay away from. Only difference now is that I know how to properly satisfy those urges to vomit and I know how to deal with the sadness and guilt if I decide to indulge. I take my frustrations and feelings out in the gym. It helps me to know that I am giving it all I have and at the end when I am so exhausted I can't stand it those feelings are gone! I did all of that harm to my body because I was trying to please people who meant nothing in the long run! There are other stories I could tell you to show how I use to try and please everyone else but I would be writing until I went to bed. "Ain’t nobody got time for that!" Now that I am not concerned about making everyone happy I am happy.  I know that people are probably talking about me, trust, I see and hear the comments but it doesn’t bother me anymore. My circumstances, my experiences and my drive for success have led me to realize that they do not matter. I am taking all of those things and creating my own happiness!

Your goal should you choose to accept it: Please try to not focus on others and what they have to say or not say. See how you feel after a week. Say “no” if you have to. Don't always be a “yes” person. Don't be taken advantage of. Push hard in your work outs, make better choices when eating and don't stress!!! After one week see if you can tell the difference and when you do take that into the next week and the next and the next until it's just what you do and how you do. Don't totally change who you are but make small adjustments toward your goals and just be happy!

Today I will just give you one exercise that you can incorporate into your routine! It's a good one and you can also use sliders on your feet to make it a little more challenging!

1) start in plank position...

2) drop down into push up position...
3) back up to plank
   4) bring one leg up then back to starting position.

After step 4 repeat 1-4 but switch your leg each time. Do 3 sets of 15 reps (each leg, total of 30). Once you have mastered those add some sliders and switch up the leg motion to either bringing both legs in at one time or bringing both legs in and then out to a wide "v" with your legs when doing the push up. Have fun with it and enjoy the exercise! Good luck!!!!

Also only a few more days left for the squat challenge!!!!
 (go check that out in earlier post if you are like huh?)

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!!

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