Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!!

When it comes to eating clean most people think they aren't allowed flavor, or sweets, or anything yummy. So not true!!! Here is one of my FAVORITE recipes and it is sssooo flavorful, sweet, and yummy!!! 
(The Easter Bunny left a few of theses in some eggs for the kids this morn!!!)

Almond Joys
Coconut filling:
1 ¼ cups unsweetened organic coconut finely shredded
¼ cup melted coconut oil
2 tbsp. honey
1 tsp. Vanilla extract
Dark Chocolate Coating:
5 oz. (72%or higher)dark chocolate
12 almonds
In med. bowl combine all of coconut filling ingredients very well. Evenly divide the filling between 12 muffin cups or you can just use your hand to shape them as you please. Press them tightly to make sure they stay together. Place almond on top by lightly but firmly pressing it on the top of mixture. Place in freezer. Make sure it is laying flat. Freeze until solid (about 45min.)
Take out of freezer and use a butter knife to go around the edge and pop them out and place them on wax paper. Put them in fridge while making chocolate topping.
Melt chocolate either on stove top or in microwave. If in microwave make sure to stir often. Only 10 sec. at a time.
Take out of fridge and you can either dip the whole coconut mixture in the chocolate or drizzle over top(that's my fav. Way).

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:"
John 11:25 KJV

More to come,
      Stay Fabulous!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

yum yum yum!

Sweet Potato Dessert!
1 sweet potato 
1/2 tsp. cannamon
2 packets Stevia
2 tbsp. natural peanut butter
*Slice sweet potato to desired thickness. 
*Bring water to a slight boil on stove top
*Add sweet potato slices, 1 packet Stevia, and cinnamon
*After the slices have boiled to desired tenderness remove and place on a plate. 
* Melt peanut butter
*Sprinkle desired amount of Stevia packet over potato slices and drizzle with melted peanut butter
Enjoy with a glass of almond milk, YYYUUUMMMM! 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

haters gonna hate!

No matter what you do someone WILL always have something to say about it. Bottom line: good or bad. It seems that these days everyone thinks that everyone cares about their opinion. I can’t recall the number of times  I hear "you need some meat on those bones" or "you're so skinny you're lucky". Well yes, I do have meat on bones. It’s called lean muscle and I work out 3 sometimes 4 days a week and I always eat clean. I work hard for my body and I am disciplined to do what is needed to have the body I want. There is no luck involved, just hard work and dedication! I still feel there is room for improvement with my body and soon I will be where I want with it, but until then, I keep grinding. People will also always have something to say about what I'm eating. If I were eating badly they would also have something to say about that too, lol! No matter what we will all have critics that will have something to say. It’s like you can't win for losing these days!

So what should you do about it? Absolutely NOTHING! Keep doing you! Keep up the good work and if you are in the middle of changing your lifestyle then you need to continue to do just that! Forget about what everyone has to say about it. Like I stated in an earlier post you deserve the best you and you cannot have that if you are pleasing everyone else. I know it is hard to shut all the negativity out but you will need to learn how to channel that into fuel and let it drive you, not stop you. Let the things you are being told you can't, allow you to KNOW  you canI I can say this because I used to allow other people’s comments control me. I would always say "I wanna do this but so and so said I wouldn't be good at it" or "I think I want to do that but I don't know how so and so would feel about me if I did that" DO YOU KNOW HOW EXHAUSTING THAT WAS!?!?!?!? I was hardly ever happy and when I was "happy" I was really just making sure that the people around me were happy and had nothing bad or negative to say about me. I was always stressed and anxious.
 In high school I was elected to be on homecoming court for my class. I was a freshman and SO EXCITED about it. (I was also asked to prom that same day. It was a very good day for me). However the other girls that wanted to be on homecoming court were not as excited. So, what do high school jealous girls do? They make that person's life hell. For further reference, watch the movie Mean Girls with Lindsey Lohan if you are not familiar with high school drama. In high school I was called fat (I weighed 110lbs at 5'4), I was called ugly, I was called pasty, and anything else they thought would bring me down. (On Christmas Eve I got a phone call from one of the girls and she said "do you know what the best Christmas gift would be for me?" I said "no" she replied with "if someone came to school and threw acid in your face! Then NO ONE would like you". The only thing I could do was hang up the phone.) Well they succeeded and I went from 110lbs to 83 lbs in just a few months with the help of eating disorders. I had anorexia and bulimia. I wouldn't eat and if I did I would vomit shortly after. I would also take laxatives on the regular.... goodness looking back now I can't believe I allowed myself to go through that. I still have times where I feel guilty for eating certain things and there are trigger foods I just stay away from. Only difference now is that I know how to properly satisfy those urges to vomit and I know how to deal with the sadness and guilt if I decide to indulge. I take my frustrations and feelings out in the gym. It helps me to know that I am giving it all I have and at the end when I am so exhausted I can't stand it those feelings are gone! I did all of that harm to my body because I was trying to please people who meant nothing in the long run! There are other stories I could tell you to show how I use to try and please everyone else but I would be writing until I went to bed. "Ain’t nobody got time for that!" Now that I am not concerned about making everyone happy I am happy.  I know that people are probably talking about me, trust, I see and hear the comments but it doesn’t bother me anymore. My circumstances, my experiences and my drive for success have led me to realize that they do not matter. I am taking all of those things and creating my own happiness!

Your goal should you choose to accept it: Please try to not focus on others and what they have to say or not say. See how you feel after a week. Say “no” if you have to. Don't always be a “yes” person. Don't be taken advantage of. Push hard in your work outs, make better choices when eating and don't stress!!! After one week see if you can tell the difference and when you do take that into the next week and the next and the next until it's just what you do and how you do. Don't totally change who you are but make small adjustments toward your goals and just be happy!

Today I will just give you one exercise that you can incorporate into your routine! It's a good one and you can also use sliders on your feet to make it a little more challenging!

1) start in plank position...

2) drop down into push up position...
3) back up to plank
   4) bring one leg up then back to starting position.

After step 4 repeat 1-4 but switch your leg each time. Do 3 sets of 15 reps (each leg, total of 30). Once you have mastered those add some sliders and switch up the leg motion to either bringing both legs in at one time or bringing both legs in and then out to a wide "v" with your legs when doing the push up. Have fun with it and enjoy the exercise! Good luck!!!!

Also only a few more days left for the squat challenge!!!!
 (go check that out in earlier post if you are like huh?)

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

So Yum It's Stupid!

Clean Eat Mac-n-Cheese
2 ¼ cup whole wheat elbow macaroni
¼ cup whole wheat flour
¼ tsp. Sea salt
1 cup skim milk
3 oz. Low fat Swiss cheese, shredded
5 oz. Low fat cheddar cheese, shredded

Cook macaroni to package directions. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In med. bowl add flour and salt and whisk in enough milk to make paste. Whisk in remaining milk until no lumps remain. Place a med. saucepan over med. heat and add flour milk mixture. When milk is warm add Swiss cheese and stir until melted. Add cheddar cheese and stir until melted mixture begins to thicken. Stir in cooked noodles. Stir until noodles are covered evenly.

Yeah, you're welcome! Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Is Here!!!!

Happy first day of Spring!! I'm so excited Spring is here. Flowers, warmer weather, birds chirping, picnics, playing at the park, lunch on patios, and Spring clothes!! Everyone always freaks out during Spring to hurry and get those abs in check. I'm going to give a few tips on kicking it hard to get those abs where you want them by summer. I will say that abs are hard to get and they do not come easy. That is why it's such a great feeling when they start to show. The pic below is me about a month ago. I need to take a more recent pic but this is when they were starting to come through.

One thing you have to make sure you do to get your abs ready for summer is eat right!! Make sure your plate is as colorful as possible! Also keep it clean (not talking about the plate either). Eating clean isn't as hard as people think it is. Make sure you have plenty of veggies, lean meats, fruits, and whole grains. Also water, water, water! Eating clean is all I know, if you need help with eating clean I'm here to help. 

Exercises you can do:
bicycle crunches
toe touches
reverse crunches
side plank hip dips
russian twist
oblique v-ups
leg lifts
in & outs
mountain climbers

All of those will make you have banging abs! 20-25 reps, repeating which ever combo you choose 2-3 times and you will be hurting but have abs for dayyyyyssssssss after a while. It's all about hard work though. Sitting at home thinking about working out never got anyone anywhere. Also remember nothing happens over night it will take time but keep at it because once you start seeing those results it's a feeling you don't want to lose. So get up and get started!! Today is the first day of Spring so you have until June 21st (first day of Summer) to get those abs in the best shape possible!!! Good luck!

More to come,
     Stay Fabulous!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Shine Bright

  Being a self proclaimed “girly” girl I absolutely love sparkle! I probably love it more than I should at 26 yrs old but I do not care. My seven year old daughter loves it just as much as I do so that makes it even easier for me to have a reason to buy such things!!  So what does “sparkle” have to do with this post? I honestly believe every person has an inner sparkle. He or she possesses that feeling of pride and accomplishment, that feeling of "look at me" and owning it. However so many people have let others dull their sparkle and it saddens me.
Not too long ago, I was one of those people. I relied on everyone else to define who I was. If I was good enough, skinny enough, sexy enough, pretty enough, cool enough, smart enough, tan enough, tough enough, fashionable enough, fierce and fabulous enough, and so on. I allowed my happiness to be based on that and let me tell you.... that was not a fun way to live! I was the main cause of my eating disorder when I was younger. I tried to make myself so perfect in every way. It was exhausting. I never felt good enough, EVER! I have made it a private (well, I guess not now) mission of mine to never let my daughter or son fall into that horrible pit of self doubt. I am raising them to be proud of who they are and what they do no matter what! Failure is a part of life and you have to fail at a few things to be successful at many. I no longer have that need to be accepted by people. Honestly I'm actually to that point asking those who criticize me "oh I'm not good enough for you? So glad your opinion means nothing to me".  That may sound rude but I'm there and not ashamed!!!
Do not let anyone take your sparkle away from you. It's yours, you own it! Someone can only take it if you allow them. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt famously stated “no one can make you feel inferior without your consent”. Don’t be a prisoner to others and their opinions. I know you are thinking it’s probably easier said than done. True! It took me from the time I was in 6th grade until last May to let my sparkle truly shine; and it shines bright!! Rihanna doesn’t sing “Shine bright like a Diamond” for no reason! This last year I have gone out of my way to put myself in situations that I knew would hit my insecurities and make me feel uncomfortable so I could overcome them! I have made myself look like a fool at times but if you are having fun who cares? The only person that truly matters is YOU! Once you start living for you that's when change will happen! That's when you will realize your true worth and happiness. I'm not saying turn into a selfish person who is all about themselves all the time. I'm pretty sure everyone understands the gist of it. You are an amazing person no matter your circumstance, no matter your situation, no matter your past! You are you.  YOU deserve the best.
 This weekend (didn't say this week because during the week with families, jobs, and responsibilities it may stress you out more trying to find me time) I want you to do one thing for YOU! It could be starting to prep and plan meals in advance so you aren't tempted to go with the easy junk food. It could be pushing yourself a little harder in your workout because you know you have 1 or 2 more in you. It could be contacting a personal trainer to get something started. It could be sitting in the quiet comfort of your favorite spot after a busy day and doing nothing for 5-10 min. It could be lunch with a girlfriend you haven't seen in a while. No matter what it is make sure it is something that is for YOU!

Have a Wonderful Week!


More to come,
   Stay Fabulous!

Monday, March 18, 2013

There's A Party In My Tummy....


 Growing up I had so many dreams and ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up and how my life was going to turn out. At one point I thought I would be a lawyer, another time I seriously thought I would be a professional ice skater, runway director, visual merchandizing (that may still happen one day), medical coder, dancer, and the list goes on. Well I was slapped by reality at a very young age and had to grow up pretty fast. I had to get what ever job would keep a roof over my head and food in our bellies. My boyfriend (which later became my husband which now is my ex-husband) wasn't in a great financial place either. So it made for a rough go. I had my daughter at 19 (insert gasp here) and didn't get to have the typical life of a young adult. That whole having no real responsibilities right out of high school is a foreign concept to me but everything happens for a reason. So I am now chasing my dreams and making them happen... slowly but surely.

   I am also one of those people that wants everything now. I grew up in the generation of now and fast paced everything. I don't like waiting (I am ashamed but honest). I often get frustrated and irritated that things are working out as I had planned. I am a person that likes to have everything planned out and organized and put together and if something doesn't stick to those plans it throws me off. I am working on that and will over come it. I need to work on letting things take their course because no matter how long something takes or doesn't take the time will pass anyway.

   People often get so mad and irritated that the pounds aren't falling off as fast as they would like but what most fail to remember is that it took time for the weight to pile on so it will take time for it to fall off. You also have to do your part and stick with it. Don't get frustrated and give up. See it through and when you look back and remember the struggles you faced then you will \feel even better about yourself.

Here are two quick mini workouts you can do when time it tight but you still need to get a work out in. 

25 jumping jacks                                                             10 burpees
30 Russian twist                                                              30 high knees
10 squats                                                                        30 butt kicks
10 standing calf raises                           OR                     10 sit ups
10 side lunges (each leg)                                                  20 inner thigh lifts (10 each leg)
5 kneeling (or regular) push ups                                       20 bicycles
         repeat 2x                                                                              repeat 2x

  Because I have two small kids I often get silly little songs stuck in my head. For example when eating something that is pretty much heaven in my mouth the crazy song There's A Party In My Tummy from Yo Gabba Gabba pops in my head and then I usually can't get it out. Look it up if you aren't familiar with it (warning: you will hate me later when you are trying to go to bed and the song wont stop playing in your head, lol).

 Let me show you a few little tricks I use to eat healthy and not feel deprived:
   1) Tuna... I love tuna. I eat it often and it never disappoints. I love it because you can do so much with it. When I make my tuna I use an avocado as my "mayo". I don't use mayo or anything like that because it's so not good for you. The avocado is so creamy and delicious it works perfect! Once you get that all worked in and the consistency you like then you can add what ever you want. I like to add walnuts sometimes, onion, pickles, hard boiled egg whites, some times a little yellow mustard, flax seeds or chia seeds. The list could go on and on but just remember to keep it clean and don't start adding things that are going to void out all your healthy add ins.
    A cute thing I like to do is use my avocado shells as my bowl. Cut it in half long ways scoop it all out and BAM! you have a mini bowl to put your tuna mixture into.

   2) Dessert (or just a mid day snacks) are usually something that gets people in trouble. I make all kind of clean eat snacks and desserts but these two I'm about to talk about are probably my fav. Homemade fro-yo pops. Talk about a party in my tummy!!!!!!!!! YUMM-O as Rachel Ray would say. I have many recipes for them but they are pretty much just fruit and yogurt and occasionally I will add protein powder in there. You can make 12 pops for less that buying a box or 6 or 8 from the store. My kids go to town on these things. It's always fun to see which fruit combos they come up with. So far we haven't made a bad combo so the possibilities are pretty much endless with this!!! The only con of these is the time it takes to freeze. My kids don't like that we have to wait until the next day to eat them. I try to surprise them and make a batch when they are at school and most of the time they are ready for them for their after school snack but some times we have to wait until after dinner so I get to hear "are they done yet" a million times until I can say yes.

 3) Fruit! As you can see they look great. Usually if it looks great it taste great. This is a pic of strawberries but you can use ANY kind of fruit. Mango, peaches, blueberries, blackberries, oranges, pairs, bananas, pineapple, and more. All you do is dip whatever fruit you decide to use in plain or vanilla Greek yogurt and freeze for 25-30 min. It is also a very cute set up at parties. Just make sure what ever you have the fruit in when serving can be placed on or in ice to keep the yogurt from melting and turning into just a bowl of yogurt and fruit lol (defeats the purpose).

More to come,
   Stay Fabulous!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

You Are What You Eat

Hope everyone is doing good with their squats.... it's getting tough now that these numbers are getting up there! Feeling the burn, that's for sure. Don't know about the squat challenge? Read back a few posts and jump on board!!!

This weekend has been crazy! I don't know about you guys but I'm exhausted. So much going on, but to be honest I wouldn't change it for anything. I'm having a great time with all the new changes in my life and I say "Bring it on!!" Even though I have been on the go nonstop I've still managed to stay on track with my eating habits. The saying "if you fail to plan; then you plan to fail" is so true. So here are my tips on staying on track with that.

 I do all my prep meals on Sundays but you can pick any day that works for you. I know you are thinking I'm in the car a lot and can't carry a lunch box with me everywhere. Where will I heat up my food? Where will I eat it? I hate to break it to you but all of those are just excuses!!! If you are on the go and usually opt for fast food where do you eat that? In your car. If you are in your car a lot you most likely have to get gas. Most gas stations have microwaves now (all QuikTrips do). Many fruits and veggies can be stored at room temp, throw a few in your purse and there is your snack! If you want something bad enough you will make it happen. If not you will make excuses. The choice is yours but just remember when there is a will there is a way!

   Another thing I want to touch on for a minute is your children's lunches for school (and at home).  I know it is easy to just let them order from the cafeteria but 9 times out of 10 they will not go for the healthier option. I also know it's much easier to just throw a bunch of prepackaged sugar and sodium filled items into their lunch box. In doing that you are not giving them the best. It may take a few extra minutes to actually pack them a lunch and make their lunch but the health benefits are worth it. Plus the love and energy you use to pack the lunch also nourishes their spirit. Children NEED their fruits and veggies. I cannot stress that enough!!! They also NEED water. Capri Suns and sodas are easy to toss in the lunch box but that just slows them down. Many companies now have those cute little water bottles that fit perfect in a lunch box. Actually you can fit two in a lunch box and have plenty of room left for food (I know from experience, my kids are "brown baggers" every day and yes they ask often to order from school and my answer is always no). If you think about it kids spend the majority of their day sitting. Sitting in their class room listening to their teacher, writing, reading, and taking test. Most of the time when children get home they sit again in front of the TV, doing home work, or playing video game. So if they are doing all this sitting and filling up on junk then only one thing will happen and it's not good. Here are some facts from the CDC website (

  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years.
  • The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2010. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to 18% over the same period.
  • In 2010, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
  • Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat.
  • Overweight and obesity are the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed—and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.
  • Immediate health effects:
  • Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In a population-based sample of 5- to 17-year-olds, 70% of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
  • Obese adolescents are more likely to have prediabetes, a condition in which blood glucose levels indicate a high risk for development of diabetes.
  • Children and adolescents who are obese are at greater risk for bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and social and psychological problems such as stigmatization and poor self-esteem
          Long term health effects:
*Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults and are therefore more at risk for adult health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, several types of cancer, and osteoarthritis  One study showed that children who became obese as early as age 2 were more likely to be obese as adults.

*Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk for many types of cancer, including cancer of the breast, colon, endometrium, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, gall bladder, thyroid, ovary, cervix, and prostate, as well as multiple myeloma and Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
*Healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating and physical activity, can lower the risk of becoming obese and developing related diseases.
*The dietary and physical activity behaviors of children and adolescents are influenced by many sectors of society, including families, communities, schools, child care settings, medical care providers, faith-based institutions, government agencies, the media, and the food and beverage industries and entertainment industries.
*Schools play a particularly critical role by establishing a safe and supportive environment with policies and practices that support healthy behaviors. Schools also provide opportunities for students to learn about and practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors.

  Now I know that was a lot of info and if you want to read more you can go to that site and read up on it. Actually I suggest that you do. My kids are my world and I want them to have the best of everything INCLUDING the best health! There is nothing more important than being healthy and making sure your kids are healthy too!

    Also let your kids get involved. Let them pick out the healthy choices for their lunches. If you have a child that is use to having 90% of their lunch consisting of junk food then you will slowly have to add the healthy choices. The pic to the left shows a few options for switching out the bad for good. If you need help trying to come up with a substitute ask away and I will be more than happy to help you choose. Can't cut it cold turkey or you will have a very unhappy child at lunch time BUT you can substitute something each time and after a while it should turn into a lunch of 90% healthy food that your child will look forward to eating and you will feel good about giving to them.

More to come,
   Stay Fabulous

Friday, March 15, 2013

Give it your best

  “There's no better feeling in the world than starting off thinking you can't do something and you do it anyway.” —Dolvett Quince

 For those of you that do not know me and my story you will find out over time I have some insecurities. I have also overcome many of those insecurities and for that I am thankful. A lot of my insecurities have influenced me to not make the best decisions in life and have made me settle for things when I shouldn't have. Those same insecurities have also made me not try things I probably could have been very good at, or forced me give up because I wasn't patient enough to see it through. 

I have heard Dolvett Quince say A LOT of things but when he said this I thought "that's the best thing I have ever heard come out of his mouth". Don’t get me wrong, he is an inspiration to a lot of people and also I look up to him for that and I hope to help others as he has. But believe me when I say that this quote is so true and really touched me! I have experienced that very feeling this last year. It's been almost 3.5 yrs from when my husband left us and it took two years for me to finally say "Okay! Enough! Time to live life again" and I did. I reached out to people who were involved in things I wanted to be involved with (Dolvett being one of them) and I have started a life that I love, a life I have always wanted but let my insecurities keep me from it and a life that will also allow me to be a better mother to my children. Now, as opposed to over thinking decisions, I now go into things thinking” what's the worst that can happen”?  I have a great time no matter what! 

I encourage you to do something you haven't done but always wanted to. You may not be the best at it but you can give it your best. As long as you try hard and give it your all then nothing else matters. I am trying out to be an Atlanta Falcons cheerleader in April and I am terrified but extremely excited at the same time. I had started to stress myself out about it but I have to keep telling myself just do the best you can do and give it your all! Maybe yours is rock climbing, swimming, starting a workout plan, taking up singing, dancing, running, horse back riding, hiking or even saying you're sorry to someone. It can be anything. It doesn't have to be fitness related per se but once you start living a healthy lifestyle you realize it all goes together. HEALTHY MIND, HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY SOUL. Let God guide you to your "something" and see what happens. There may be a whole new world out there for you that you never knew existed. I am so excited about all the new adventures I am starting and the new life I have started since my divorce. I can't wait for you to feel the same happiness and joy that I do from new beginnings!

More to come,
  Stay Fabulous!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Drop It Like It's Hot March Madness Challenge

 So Spring is here and that means one thing.... less clothing! We all want to look fab and we all want to feel good about ourselves with less clothing on. I have come up with a challenge for myself but others have quickly joined after hearing the challenge because it's fun and they know they will LOVE the results...

  OK so here is it..... we will work up to doing 300 squats on day 30 of this month. I will give the list of how many each day and you can do one of two things. You can either make up for lost time and do the amount for each day until you get to the day you are on OR you can start on what ever the number is for the day you begin the challenge. If you just so happen to start on an off day that's an automatic 25 squats. (to see how to do a proper squat see pic below)
  1. 25
  2. 30
  3. 35
  4. 40
  5. 45
  6. 50      (total of 225 at this point)            
  7. OFF
  8. 55
  9. 60
  10. 65
  11. 70
  12. 75      (total of 550 at this point)
  13. OFF
  14. 100
  15. 110
  16. 115
  17. 120
  18. 125    (total of 895 at this point)
  19. OFF
  20. 150
  21. 155
  22. 200
  23. 210
  24. 215    (total of 1,500 at this point)
  25. OFF
  26. 220
  27. 225
  28. 250
  29. 255
  30. 300    (total of 2,180)
  31. OFF
Now give yourself a big pat on the back!!! Good job! No matter how far you made it in this challenge congrats!! This was not the easiest of challenges.


We've got to start somewhere!

 I wasn't sure how to start this blog and how to have an intro that would tell my story in a short little interesting way, so I decided I would start where I am today and the rest would fall into place over time. I have come a long way and have had many bumps in the road (some could probably be called sink holes) but no one likes to sit around and read sappy crap. When the time is right all of my stories will come out and when they do it will be at the perfect time for someone that needed to read it in that moment. Every single thing I have been through has only made me a stronger woman. Not just mentally and emotionally but physically. You will see that everything has lead me to my true passion and purpose for life... Living a healthy lifestyle.
  I am starting this blog to reach women in all walks of life and help all of you to be Fabulously Fierce and Fit. That doesn't mean everyone should try and become super model skinny because healthy comes in all shapes and sizes. I will fill the blog with nutritional and fitness tips. Also the occasional fashion post ;) Through all of this my story will be told and I hope it inspires you and I look forward to being inspired by you. 

Spartan Race (did the Hurricane Heat, started @ 5:30am)
 Clean eat chocolate muffins (yes you can have some chocolate and it be healthy!)
 My kids and I love the beach it's our fav. time together
 And what women doesn't like progression pics?
I am a personal trainer and I love it. I also love doing 5ks, half marathons, and races (Spartan is my fav.). I LOVE LOVE LOVE to eat and make 90% of my own food. Eating clean is all I know. I have 2 amazing children and they are my world and why I believe in living the way I do.

More to come,
  Stay Fabulous