Monday, April 1, 2013

New Beginnings

     Today is the first day of a new week and the first day of a new month! How will you take advantage of the new? 

Starting something new can be pretty scary. The frustration of not knowing whether you are doing “it” right, not feeling comfortable while doing “it”, scared of failure, or straight up scared of the unknown can be downright stressful. Right now in my life I am trying to make the best decisions for me and my kids and it's hard because they are MAJOR life changing decisions and I'm just not sure on what to do. First thing first is prayer. Make sure you pray about everything. When starting something new my advice is to always pray. Pray about “it” even when it comes to the fitness aspect of life. Starting new eating habits? Pray that God will give you strength to stick with it. Starting a new routine? Pray that God will allow you patience to not give up after going through a few weeks of "no major results". No matter what, always pray first.

A few years ago when my husband left I didn't know what to do. As sad as that is it's the truth. I got depressed and wasn't able to figure things out. The only thing I knew how to do was pray. I remember at one point almost every minute of my day was spent in prayer. I prayed and asked God to give me direction and guidance. I prayed He would give me the strength I needed to do this by myself. I prayed that He would open doors to places I didn't even know I needed open. And He did! God always answers prayers. It may not always be the answer you're looking for (because I prayed and prayed and prayed for God to fix my marriage, that didn't happen) but He always answers. A good friend of mine has a song by Garth Brooks that she loves called “Unanswered Prayers”. Sometimes you have to thank God for those unanswered prayers as sometimes we may be setting ourselves back by not continuing to have faith. I think it's kind of funny how we always think His answer should be yes. Our answers to our children aren't always yes so why do we expect His to be?

I get excited when things like today happen. I always feel it means something important. A new day, a new week, and a new month! What else will be new? Whatever new thing you are starting I'm excited for you. I hope and pray it turns out the way you want it to! New beginnings... nothing better than new beginnings!

If you are looking for a new routine here is one to try:

30 walking lunges
15 calf raises
10 deadlifts
(repeat 2x)

Jumping jacks
mountain climbers
bench jump ups
(as many as you can in 60 sec)
15 bent over rows
15 standing dumbbell curls
10 push ups
(repeat 2x)

Little rest in between all circuits!

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous!

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