Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Feeling the burn!

On April 1st I talked about what new habit will you take advantage of and I realized after talking to a few people that most people are afraid of change. Most people think of change as a negative thing. As if breaking their old habits will end their life. They think nothing good can happen if they do something new.

I'm not one of those people. I welcome change with open arms and cannot really understand how others can’t. It's exciting to me to see what's next.  I find myself often wondering “What's out there that I haven't tried”. When I try something and FINALLY master it, it becomes a bittersweet moment for me because I have finally done it but now it’s no longer a challenge for me. Then, to keep my skills honed, I either find a new form of what I have learned to make it more challenging or move on to something else. That is one reason I have started to really like yoga because once you master a pose there is another harder one that will challenge you for a while... (right now I am trying to master a handstand off the wall. Wish me luck!!)

We can get very content with our comfort zone and before we know it we have been there so long we aren't really sure how to get out of it. We freak out and think "if I do something different I may have to push myself more than I want". When people start working out they are so excited and ready to go. Then they feel the burn during the exercise and start getting nervous and then the next 24-48 hours they  feel the pain and think 'WHAT DID I DO TO MYSELF???" and then decide to give up. They do not realize that the burn and pain that they are feeling is the change happening to their body. If it was easy everyone would do it!!!
My challenge for you is to push hard (don’t over exert yourself) and feel the burn and feel the pain days after and embrace it!!! Get excited about it! I am addicted to the pain from a good workout. Anyone that has been working out for a while can relate to that. I'm excited for when you start getting addicted to the pain too. Remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Here is a leg work out that will have your legs SCREAMING!!!! Enjoy!
(make sure you stretch before and after)

20 butt kicks
25 squats (get low but keep form)
30 lunges (15 each leg alternating or one leg at a time)
35 calf raises
45 sec. wall sit
50 jumping jacks
60 sec burpees (as many as you can in that time)
*repeat 1x

More to come,
    Stay Fabulous! 

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